PD Dr. Theodor Rüber
Specialist in neurology,
Head of Translational Neuroimaging & Global Epileptology (Clinic for Epileptology, Bonn)
Founder and 1st Chairman of CASA HOGAR
“Before CASA HOGAR, I had already worked on a few smaller aid projects. CASA HOGAR, however, is now an aid project as I had imagined it for a long time: It is humanitarian, unagitated, efficient in its objectives and implementation and yet personal. It is not a project for the industrialised charity culture or glamorous fundraising galas, but one that works through the energy and idealism of everyone involved.”
Prof. Dr. Dominik L. Michels
Professor of Intelligent Algorithms in Modelling and Simulation (IAMS) in the Department of Computer Science at TU Darmstadt,
Associate Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
2nd Chairman and Chairman of the Advisory Board
“CASA HOGAR addresses the educational support of young women and girls in the guerrilla and paramilitary controlled Chocó region in western Colombia. The local Catholic Church is an important partner here, especially since the influence of government bodies in the region is severely limited. In close cooperation, a needs-based concept is created that is implemented efficiently and objectively in an unagitated manner, accompanied by transparent educational work but always without exaggerated self-congratulation, by those involved with the local partners.”